上海凡雨科贸有限公司座落于交通便利的沪宁高速-江桥出口处,紧临上海虹桥机场和外环A20.公司专业生产和销售各类化工原料:香蕉水.天那水.清洗剂.洗枪水.甲醇,电子清洗剂等;产品广泛用于油漆涂料,地板家具,电子清洗,印刷油墨,工业清洗,胶粘剂,树脂工艺品,皮革制品等领域. 公司宗旨:真真诚诚交友!实实在在做事!让每个客户满意一直是我们不懈的追求!SHANGHAI FANYU SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. 1.COMPANY INTUDUCTION Shanghai Fanyu science & technology Co.ltd. was located in the exist of Shanghai-Nanjing express way. There is very convenience traffic. Near Shanghai Hongqiao airport and the outside-ring road A20. This company is engaging and producing many kind of chemical raw material: Nitrocellulose lacquer thinner, thinner, spray-gun washing agent, abluent, dilution agent, cyclohexanone-oxime, methanol, high pure electronic washing agent, dichloromethane, surface washing agent, many kind of organic solvent and organic solvent mixture. All this products is widely use in paint, flo... [